Thursday, May 29, 2014


Hello there!!

Today I have a much happier post for you all. My nephew is turning one year old in about two weeks so I went shopping at Target and Fred Meyer for some goodies for him. Even though he's turning one he's already wearing 2T (for a two year old) clothing! He's a huge child for his age, but he's also ridiculously cute. I'm a proud auntie. :) Anyways, I thought I would share all the cute things I got for him. 

Here's the card I got for him.

And here's the pants and shorts my brother requested for him.

And socks as well, it's family tradition to give socks as a gift. :) 

And here are the adorable shirts I simply could not leave the store without.

Last, but not least, are a couple of cute stuffed animals, because, let's face it, no one year old would rather have clothes than a toy on their birthday. The dinosaur is because my brother used to have a dinosaur when he was younger and I thought it would be nice for my nephew to have one as well.

And the sock monkey is just cute and colorful for a toddler.

Well, that's everything I picked up for my nephew, hopefully he and my brother are pleased with all of the presents they receive. My mom and sisters are sending lots of gifts as well because we all love to spoil the cutie pie. 

Until next time,


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Keep On Keepin' On

Remember that new job I was excited, yet nervous about? Well, I've had to quit already and I feel awful about it. My boyfriend and I share a car and I thought that since we would be working at the same place we would be able to make the car work, but it turns out the company has two locations and we wouldn't be working at the same one so the car schedule wouldn't work out at all. I tried asking if I would be able to get a ride to the downtown location somehow seeing as it's a transportation company, but the woman scoffed at me and insisted that it wasn't possible and I should call her if things were to change in the next twenty-four hours. As if I can all of a sudden get a second car. I guess I'm back to hunting for a new job, but I feel so incredibly guilty about having to quit rather suddenly. I can't get rid of this awful feeling. I'm so sad and disappointed and guilty, I just don't know what to do, I feel like such a failure. I don't want to go back to my current job and tell them I had to quit my new job already, because if I do find another job soon I'll feel like I'm just playing with my current employer, who I actually really like so I would feel bad about that too. UGH!! 

I need happy thoughts. I'm so sad lately, and today is the worst. Maybe I'll feel better after I can talk to my mom tomorrow.

Until next time,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

If I Had One Wish...

Well, I start my new job tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous. I shouldn't be nervous seeing as I've been doing customer service jobs for the past six or seven years, but I'm nervous none the less. I'm sure every one wishes this, but I really wish I could travel and not work or go to school. I like school well enough, I learn interesting things and expand my thinking, but I really want to see the world and experience other cultures and not worry about money. Money is my biggest stressor by far.

I saw today that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married with an extravagant wedding in Florence, Italy and all I could think was that if they donated half the money they spent on their wedding to people with student debt then a lot of people would be out of debt and have a chance to start their lives without all the stress of not having enough money to pay their loans, rent, insurance and keep themselves fed. If only there was some way to make the über rich feel the need to donate their money to good causes rather than spend it all on multiple houses, too expensive cars and clothes and whatever else the wealthy feel the need to have in their lives. Of course there will always be more charities than money and more less fortunate people than wealthy people, but don't we all wish we were in that minority of wealthy people? I know I wish that.

I wish I had the ability to pay off not only my student loans, but also the debt of my boyfriend, mom, sisters and brother. I wish I could buy a house since in the long run it's cheaper than paying rent every month. I wish I could buy new clothes since everything in my closet is too small and has holes in them. I wish I could start a college fund for my nephew and my future kids and not have to worry about them getting into debt. I wish I could donate money to various cancer foundations, as well as programs to help the homeless, the elderly, and people with extremely rare diseases.

I wish a lot of things, but lets face it, I'm probably not going to get the chance to do any of these things in the near future. I'm going to work my butt into the ground doing any job I can until I receive my degree, and then I'm going to work some more until I have the money to move, and then work the rest of my life to try and make a good life for my family until I can retire. When I retire I won't have much savings and my children will probably be affected by the constant tough economy and I will end up in a nursing home and die without having done anything I had dreamed of my entire life. What a sad life.

This post has been rather depressing and envious of the wealthy, so let's think of things that I can look forward to in life. I can look forward to marrying my boyfriend in a couple years, and the births of our future children. I can look forward to having a couple dogs and cats to play with in the park and curl up with on the couch. I can look forward to raising my children and making sure that they're happy, but not spoiled brats. I can look forward to one to two week long vacations to where ever we can afford. I can look forward to growing old with my love and being proud of all that my children will accomplish. I can look forward to being alive, and living my life in a fairly comfortable manner, with lots of smiles, hugs and kisses. That life doesn't sound so bad.

I'm sorry I've been a bit of a pessimist today, I just find this blog is a good outlet for my stress and negative feelings I'm having. Hopefully I'll have something happier to post soon.

Until next time,


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Float On

Exciting news! Today I was hired at a new job! I'll get more hours and be paid a little more so I'm thrilled. Hopefully I'll be happier at this new job and even if I'm not it's only a seasonal job so I'm not too worried about whether or not I like my new job. Also, my boyfriend and I renewed our lease on our apartment for another year which is very exciting. I haven't made much progress on getting outside more since I haven't gone outside really except to walk to the apartment office and to my car. I am proud of myself however for having been better about not watching so many YouTube videos.

Earlier today I made nacho supper for dinner and I was thinking maybe I could put the recipe on here. Is that a good idea? Let me know in the comments. I like to describe nacho supper as Mexican lasagna haha.

Sorry if this post was a bit boring, I just wanted to write about what's going on in my life right now. I might post again this weekend, though really I think I'm going to focus on getting my apartment clean since my sister is going to be staying with us for a few weeks while she looks for an apartment or a house of her own.

Until next time,


P.S. - I've just decided every post title will be the title of a song, just a weird little idea I had that I like.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summertime Sadness's officially summer and I've found myself doing nothing but sitting at home watching YouTube videos. Not that I have a problem with YouTube videos, but I'm running out of available internet connection so I need to start some projects that don't involve the internet. Of course this blog is the exception as it doesn't use up that much of my available usage. I do have a job three days a week, which is lucky since I hate my job, but it's also unlucky because I don't make enough money at that job so I'm on the hunt for a new job that will hopefully be more than just three days a week and will pay the bills.

I'm sure you're all thinking that there's tons of things I could do besides watch YouTube videos, and you're completely right, I'm just at the stage where I feel like I'm glued to my laptop and TV and I need to break the habit. Obviously I'm off to a great start. I keep staring out the window at the sun in the trees and thinking I'll go for a walk, but when it comes down to getting my ass off the couch I'm too lazy. I have a problem. I think my goal over the next couple days is to actually get up and go outside, we'll see if that actually happens though.

I do also have some other projects I started and never finished, like a scarf I started knitting in December and a DIY mirrored type of holder that I'm eventually going to put either toothbrushes or cotton balls in that I started back in September I think. And of course there are many books that I've been meaning to read, but just haven't bothered starting. I think technology has taken over my life. I'm literally sitting here with my laptop, my iPhone, my iPad and my TV and now I'm mostly just wasting time until the new episode of Game of Thrones starts.

I kind of wish I was born before all of this modern technology, maybe in the 1800's, so I could just sit and read or garden or sew or whatever people did in the 1800's and not feel the need to check Facebook or YouTube whenever I'm bored. At the same time I wish I had my own house rather than an apartment so I could have a garden filled with all kinds of beautiful flowers and herbs and I could sit in my garden with a cup of tea and read in the sunshine. Doesn't that sound like a dream?

Well I suppose that's all for today, hopefully my next blog will be cheerier and I won't be complaining so much. Let me know if you have any ideas of things I could do or what you've been up to in the comments and I'll see if I can't get my lazy self going.

Until next time,
