Today I have a what's in my bag video for you! If you like these types of videos please let me know, and if you don't like these types of videos then let me know what you would like to see in the future. Here is a link in case the video below doesn't work:
Also, I went to my much dreaded dentist appointment, and it ended up being not bad at all. The dentist and assistant were very nice and amazingly enough I didn't have any cavities! The dentist even said that there's no need for me to get my wisdom teeth taken out yet, so I'm really happy about that.
Last week I also did what I said I would and bought tons of fruit and veggies!
Look at my beautiful cantaloupe, honeydew and strawberries.
I also made some really yummy pasta salad with whole grain pasta, broccoli, carrots and chicken.
I bought some apples, oranges, bananas, pears, plumots (a plum and apricot hybrid), and raspberries as well, but didn't bother to take pictures of them.
It has been so nice (and hot!) out lately that my sister and I decided to go back to Westchester Lagoon the other day. It was such a gorgeous day that I had to take a million pictures.
As promised, this week I have a haul video for you! I'm really happy with everything I bought and I hope you guys like this video. Here's the link if the video below doesn't work:
Also, the dreaded dentist appointment has been post-poned until next week. I'm somewhat relieved and somewhat annoyed about this as I was pumping myself up for the appointment and now I have to relax until it's time to pump myself up again. Does anyone else brush their teeth a little more often or a little longer when you know you have a dentist appointment? I've been going a bit crazy with the toothpaste and mouthwash over here.
In other news, I've decided I'm tired of eating out and spending all of my money on fast food so I'm going to be grocery shopping tomorrow with the aim of finding fresh fruits, veggies and anything remotely healthy that I think I can make into a good meal. My first plan is to make a pasta salad with tons of veggies in it. I love pasta salad during the summer since it's a cold meal, it's so refreshing on a hot summer day. Also, I really hope I can find some good raspberries and strawberries that I can put on oatmeal in the mornings or just have as an afternoon snack. Even Rico is getting in the healthy spirit, which doesn't happen often, and requested some bananas and pears! Obviously we're both more excited about fruits than veggies.
Other than that there isn't much else to report. Though the other day I did wake up Rico at 2AM because there was a huge bug in the apartment and it was freaking me out. Anyone else get freaked out by bugs when they're inside, but totally ok with them outside? Maybe it's just me. Anyways, Rico saved me from the bug whilst asleep and the next day asked whether or not it was a dream. He seemed quite happy with the fact that I needed him to save me, which normally I'm all for girls and women saving themselves, but I have to admit it's nice to let someone else do the saving once in a while.
I hope you all enjoyed my rambling on about food and monster bugs. Hopefully there will be no more bug attacks and we will all have a good week.
Long time, no write, right? Sorry about that, I've been sucked into the world of Minecraft, and I also have been shopping around for a new wardrobe. I don't normally do a lot of clothes shopping, but almost two years ago I gained quite a bit of weight and never bought clothes to fit my body so I've been living in T-shirts that I used to sleep in because they were too big. I've finally decided I want to be happy with my body so I bought some cute things that flatter my figure and make me feel like I look good. I'll be posting a haul video in a couple of days of everything I bought.
In the mean time, I've just posted a new video on my YouTube channel about my nail polish collection. If nothing else, I really recommend you watch this video for the music, the artist, Tamara Laurel, has an amazing voice! I did put a link in the description box for her music's YouTube channel, and her music is available on iTunes as well. Here's the link if the video below doesn't work:
Side Note: The nail polish I'm wearing in the video is Sinful Colors Bring it Sheer, which I am loving. And since I put in music rather than talking, my all-time favorite nail polishes are Sinful Colors Dozen Roses, China Glaze Seduce Me, Essie Peach Daiquiri, Sinful Colors Easy Going, and Sinful Colors Dream On. I know that's a lot of favorites, but I really love my nail polishes.
In other news, I finally put on my big girl pants and called the dentist! I'm not normally afraid of going to the dentist, but I haven't been to the dentist in two years. Gross, I know. Also, the last time I was at the dentist I was told I needed to get my wisdom teeth removed and I never did it. As they say in the movie, The Swan Princess, "This isn't my idea of fun". In any case, I went on Google and found a dentist here that accepts my insurance and made an appointment for later this week. I'm quite anxious to be seeing a new dentist because I've gone to the same dentist my whole life. Overall, I'm just not looking forward to this appointment.
Other than that, I haven't had much going on. I did watch the movie Ender's Game and I really recommend it to anyone who likes sci-fi movies. It's kind of a mix between Star Wars and the Hunger Games. Plus Harrison Ford and Hailee Steinfeld are in it. It's based off of the book Ender's Game, which I will be reading once I finish all of the Song of Ice and Fire series.
I hope you're all having a wonderful start to your week!
Today I have my June Favorites video for you! If you want more information on anything I did put links for almost everything in the description box. If you want to see some extra dorkiness then make sure to watch the ending. Here is the link if the video doesn't work:
Also, I have finished another DIY project which I am quite happy with. These are just some canvases that I've painted over with spray and acrylic paint and then taped a chevron-like pattern on so that when I spray painted the entire thing it ended up looking really cool. Here is the order of how making them should look.
Paint with spray and acrylic paints until you like the way your canvas looks.
Use painters tape or masking tape to create a chevron-like pattern, or any pattern you like.
At this point you will spray the entire canvas with spray paint, I just forgot to take a picture of this step.
And here are the finished results!
To make these all you need is canvas, acrylic paints, metallic spray paint, a plastic sheet so you don't get spray paint everywhere, disposable gloves, and blue painters tape. You might also want to get a face mask as the spray paint is quite smelly and could give you a headache. I also strongly recommend that you do all of the spray painting outside. I sprayed a little inside and the chemical smell spread throughout my house, and even when I sprayed just outside my apartment the smell still came in through the window.
I hope you all liked this post and if you make any of your own DIY projects then let me know! I would love to see them. :)
As promised, I have uploaded a video to my YouTube channel about my eyesight and my glasses. This video was requested by subscriber Lean OnMe and asks basic questions about my vision and what it is like to see with and without my glasses. Here is the link if the video doesn't work:
Also, since yesterday was the Fourth of July, I went out and about with my boyfriend to enjoy the festivities. On the night of July 3rd we drove out to Eagle River, Alaska to watch the fireworks there, however I didn't bother to take any pictures or video because I was not impressed with their display. Maybe I'm just too used to watching the fireworks back in Juneau, but seeing the fireworks here just didn't even compare to the Juneau fireworks for me.
Then, yesterday we drove into downtown Anchorage to watch the Fourth of July Parade in Delaney Park. I really enjoyed the parade and the fair-like atmosphere of the park, though I was a little disappointed that the floats and people in the parade didn't throw candy out to the kids watching the parade. Do Fourth of July parades normally not throw out candy to the people watching the parade? Is Juneau really the only place where that happens? In any case, here are some photos of the parade.
Above is Star the Reindeer.
There were also pony rides, games, various activities and food stands set up in the park.
Rico and I bought a delicious funnel cake to share and then headed off to walk around downtown.
Afterwards we took a look around the Fifth Avenue Mall and I'm so excited that we're getting a Lush store there. I already know that I'm going to spend entirely too much time and money there. We ended up having lunch at the mall and took advantage of some of the holiday sales before we headed home.
It was such a lovely day and I'm already excited for the next Fourth of July. How did you spend your Fourth of July holiday? For those of you who aren't from the United States, do you have any holidays coming up that you're looking forward to?
I hope you're all having a wonderful week and I'll be back in a couple days with either a new video or blog post on my June favorites.
Once again I've been on quite the DIY roll. This past week I was watching Jim Chapman on YouTube and saw his #DIYwithJim video where he showed viewers how to transfer personal pictures onto canvases. I loved this idea so much that I decided to try it for myself! The first couple I tried didn't turn out as well as I hoped they would, but as I made more they turned out better and better. I think these would make great gifts for anyone, all you need is gloss medium, a paint brush, canvas and a printed picture that you or someone you know would like to have in their living room, office, bedroom or wherever! Just remember to be patient and don't get discouraged if your first ones don't turn out exactly how you hoped they would. Here is the video from Jim Chapman's channel where I learned how to make these. Here is the link if the video doesn't work:
Here are all of my pictures that I made.
I love the last few that I made and I'm planning on making more. With the first couple that didn't turn out so well I'm going to reuse the canvases on a different DIY that involves using paint and tape to make a chevron pattern.
This week I also decided to make make-up brush, eyeliner, and q-tip containers. I will admit that I spent an entire evening, about 4-6 hours, just tying the bows to my satisfaction. Personally, I love the way they turned out and if I find anything else I need containers for then I will definitely make more.
Pictured below is everything I used to decorate the jars. I bought all of the jars and ribbons from Michael's and I used the wide black ribbon to make the bows, and the cream, tiffany blue and thin black ribbons are all wrapped around the bases. The knitting needle I used to aid me in tying the bows, the scissors of course were used to cut the ribbons and the lighter was used to burn the edges of the ribbons to prevent any fraying in the future. I hot glued all of the ribbons onto the glass jars and then filled two of the jars with blue and silver spring filler that I bought from Michael's to help my brushes and eyeliners stand up.
I hope you all liked this post and are having a good week so far. I'm excited to do more DIY projects and in a couple days I'll be uploading a video about my eyesight and glasses that a viewer requested. If you have any video requests please leave them in the comments or message me on YouTube. :)