Monday, July 21, 2014


Hello Everyone!!

As promised, this week I have a haul video for you! I'm really happy with everything I bought and I  hope you guys like this video. Here's the link if the video below doesn't work: 

Also, the dreaded dentist appointment has been post-poned until next week. I'm somewhat relieved and somewhat annoyed about this as I was pumping myself up for the appointment and now I have to relax until it's time to pump myself up again. Does anyone else brush their teeth a little more often or a little longer when you know you have a dentist appointment? I've been going a bit crazy with the toothpaste and mouthwash over here.

In other news, I've decided I'm tired of eating out and spending all of my money on fast food so I'm going to be grocery shopping tomorrow with the aim of finding fresh fruits, veggies and anything remotely healthy that I think I can make into a good meal. My first plan is to make a pasta salad with tons of veggies in it. I love pasta salad during the summer since it's a cold meal, it's so refreshing on a hot summer day. Also, I really hope I can find some good raspberries and strawberries that I can put on oatmeal in the mornings or just have as an afternoon snack. Even Rico is getting in the healthy spirit, which doesn't happen often, and requested some bananas and pears! Obviously we're both more excited about fruits than veggies.

Other than that there isn't much else to report. Though the other day I did wake up Rico at 2AM because there was a huge bug in the apartment and it was freaking me out. Anyone else get freaked out by bugs when they're inside, but totally ok with them outside? Maybe it's just me. Anyways, Rico saved me from the bug whilst asleep and the next day asked whether or not it was a dream. He seemed quite happy with the fact that I needed him to save me, which normally I'm all for girls and women saving themselves, but I have to admit it's nice to let someone else do the saving once in a while.

I hope you all enjoyed my rambling on about food and monster bugs. Hopefully there will be no more bug attacks and we will all have a good week.

Until next time,



  1. Pasta Salad is one of my favourite meals too! So light and lovely :) Love your video too! x

  2. You have an amazing blog,love it!Keep in touch xoxo
