Monday, October 13, 2014

Brain Works

Hello Everyone!!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written. School this semester has been crazy stressful! Today isn't going to be a particularly happy blog post, so if you want pretty happy pictures click away now. It's not going to be sad, just me trying to sort out my thoughts.

Today I was trying to explain how my brain works to one of my professors because she wasn't certain if I was trying to force myself to see images during my meditations for a project. The truth is that I typically think in pictures and movies, and not so much in a dialogue, which I think is how other people typically think (though of course I can't know for certain how others think since I am not them). 

I think that the way my brain works is a result of me being both hyper sensitive and introverted. I don't mean introverted as simply being shy or quiet, but rather that I find small talk difficult and somewhat exhausting. I also find spending time with people for too long to be exhausting, whereas extroverts might be energized by spending time with people. Also, from what I've read online, being hyper sensitive is being extremely sensitive to sensory things such as loud sounds, rich foods, bad smelling food, and the emotions of both yourself and others.

I have certain textures that really bother me, such as creamy foods. I personally prefer foods that require chewing and produce a crunch. I also tend to be able to sense the emotions of others easily and even take on the emotion that I sense. I have tried multiple times to write down stories, but I always find it difficult because the stories play out in my head like movies and I don't know how to properly describe the situation in a written form. I think this is why I gravitate toward watching movies, rather than reading or listening to music. Movies seem to make more sense to me, though I do understand that describing something in written form can be more exact than casting a real person for a movie. 

Also, when I think in pictures and movies a certain aspect might stand out to me, but if I need to explain what stuck out to me I have trouble verbalizing my thoughts. It's kind of like something in the image or movie was gone over with an invisible highlighter. These movies and images are in my head, though sometimes this "highlighting" happens in actual movies, whether it was intended by the movie producers or not.

I don't think I'm crazy, I'm sure there must be other people who think the same way that I do, this is just the first time that I've really tried to analyze the way my brain works. I know that my boyfriend, Rico, thinks in a similar way, though he is more sensitive to music than to movies. He also thinks in images like I do and is hyper sensitive to different things, though opposite of me, he prefers creamy foods and chewy, crunch-producing foods tend to bother him.

Does what I'm saying make sense? Do any of you think the same way? How do you think if you think in a different way? 

Sorry again for the lack of postings. I know this is a really random post, it's just been bothering me today that it is so difficult for me to explain how I think. 

In the next couple weeks I have all of my midterm exams so I might be able to post more or upload more videos once my exams are done. I can hope at least. Hopefully you are all doing well and not as stressed about school as I have been this semester.

Until next time,


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